Modafinil's Mechanism of Action on Various Neurotransmitters

Sleep deprival is a common side effect in the process of coping up with today’s competition. The smart drug, which used to be quite new to us, has now become a requisite. However, smart drugs like Modafinil can deal with such conditions without any side effects of its own!

Today we are going to have a brief look at the mechanism of Modafinil- the world’s first safe smart drug.
So let’s find out!

What is Modafinil?

Modafinil, which is crowned as the king of all smart drugs, is a wakefulness-promoting agent that can help treat sleep disorders like narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work-related disorder.
Apart from promoting wakefulness, this medication can also lift up your mood and increase your motivation level. It makes you feel alert and vigilant at all times.

Most people have also observed enhanced focus and concentration level after taking this medication. In healthy subjects, this smart pill has shown improvement in reasoning skills and IQ level.
Modafinil is also said to improve certain symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) in most cases. Researchers believe that it has to do with this medication’s action on histamine, a neurotransmitter.

Modafinil mechanism of action:

modafinil action targets

This smart pill works by targeting a number of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system (CNS).
Let’s learn each case separately in the following sub-sections-


The drug binds to the dopamine reuptake pump and inhibits the reuptake of dopamine by the nerves. This results in an increased amount of extracellular dopamine in the brain.
There are many dopamine pathways in the brain, one of which induces reward-motivated behavior. If more dopamine is circulating in such pathways, the person feels motivated and energetic to work harder.


This neurotransmitter plays a major role in our sleep and wake cycle. It can also have an impact on erection and the sexual function in men.
Histamine is mainly found in the hypothalamus area and can transmit through the brain’s cortex region. Modafinil elevates the levels of histamine in these areas so that the subject feels more wakeful and energetic.


Serotonin is a mood-elevating neurotransmitter which plays a great role in changing your motivation levels. It is also good for memory power and concentration.
Modafinil helps you feel motivated by increasing the amount of serotonin reuptake in the frontal cortex of the brain. This also helps you to reduce excess anxiety levels.


Heard of adrenaline rush? Well, this neurotransmitter is similar to adrenaline and can make you feel active and wakeful. It can be increased as a result of other activities in different parts of the brain.
Modafinil helps trigger the production of this neurotransmitter in the hypothalamus and ventrolateral preoptic nucleus. This makes us feel more energetic and active throughout the day.


 This chemical basically promotes sleepiness or drowsiness. Modafinil can reduce the effects of this chemical by decreasing its amount in the posterior hypothalamus area of the brain.

Modafinil Dosage:

You can find Modafinil online in any online pharmacy of your preference. Make sure to get aproper prescription from a qualified healthcare professional.

modafinil dosage instructions

    For people with narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apnea, the recommended dose is 200 mg which you can take early in the morning or as the doctor prescribes.
    And for people with shift work disorder, the recommended dose is 200 mg which you can take exactly one hour before your shift-work.
    The half-life of this smart pill is around 15 hours.
    You can take this pill with or without food.
    Do not increase or decrease your dose without prior doctor’s prescription.
    Also, do not use this medication for a period which is longer than prescribed.
    Make sure you do not consume alcohol while you are on this medication. The two might react causing adverse effects on health.
    Most importantly do not take this medication if you have a medical history of cardiac disorders, liver or kidney impairment, metabolic problems, etc.
    Kindly make sure that you are not allergic to this medication by talking to your doctor beforehand.


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